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Master The Art of Drawing a Celtic Cross: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Master The Art of Drawing a Celtic Cross: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Are you fascinated by Celtic art and want to learn how to draw a Celtic cross? You're in the right place! The Celtic cross is an intricate design with a rich cultural history, and learning how to draw one can be a rewarding experience. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to create your own unique Celtic cross.

Before we begin, it's important to understand the symbolism of the Celtic cross. The circle at the center represents eternity, while the four arms signify the four directions and elements. The intricate knotwork that surrounds the cross symbolizes everlasting life and interconnectedness.

To start, draw a vertical line in the middle of your page. This will be the spine of your Celtic cross. Next, draw a horizontal line across the center of the vertical line. This will create the arms of the cross.

Now, it's time to add the knotwork. Draw two curved lines on either side of the vertical line, meeting at the top and bottom of the cross. Repeat this process on the horizontal line, creating four curved lines that intersect with the vertical lines.

Once you have the basic knotwork in place, use a pencil to sketch out additional details. You can add more knots or scrollwork to fill in the spaces around the cross. Don't worry too much about making everything perfectly symmetrical - part of the beauty of Celtic art is its organic, flowing nature.

Once you're happy with your pencil sketch, it's time to ink in the design. Use a fine-tipped pen or marker to carefully trace over your pencil lines. Be sure to let the ink dry completely before erasing any remaining pencil marks.

If you want to add some color to your Celtic cross, you can use markers or colored pencils to fill in the knotwork. Traditional Celtic colors include green, blue, yellow, and red, but feel free to use whatever colors speak to you.

Finally, step back and admire your handiwork! Drawing a Celtic cross can be a challenging but rewarding experience, and you now have a unique piece of art to show for it. You can display your drawing on a wall, incorporate it into a tattoo design, or simply keep it as a reminder of your artistic journey.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Don't get discouraged if your first attempt doesn't turn out exactly as you imagined - keep trying and experimenting with different techniques. With a little patience and perseverance, you'll be creating intricate Celtic designs in no time.

In conclusion, drawing a Celtic cross is a rewarding activity that allows you to express your creativity while tapping into an ancient cultural tradition. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a beautiful work of art that reflects the timeless beauty of Celtic knotwork.

So what are you waiting for? Grab a pencil and let your imagination take flight!

How To Draw Celtic Cross
"How To Draw Celtic Cross" ~ bbaz


The Celtic Cross is a symbol that has been around for centuries. It was originally used by the Celts and is still popular today, especially in Ireland. The cross is made up of a vertical line and a horizontal line intersecting at the center. There are also two additional arms that extend out from the center, creating a circle with the intersection. Drawing a Celtic Cross may seem like a daunting task, but with a bit of practice and patience, it can be done.

Materials Needed

Before starting to draw a Celtic Cross, you will need some materials. A pencil and paper are essential. You may also want to consider using a ruler to help you create straight lines and an eraser to correct mistakes as you go.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Draw the Vertical Line

Start by drawing a straight vertical line down the center of your paper. This line will be the backbone of your Celtic Cross. Use a ruler if necessary to ensure that the line is straight.

Step 2: Draw the Horizontal Line

Next, draw a horizontal line across the center of your vertical line. This line should be perpendicular to the vertical line and the same length.

Step 3: Draw the Circle

Now, draw a circle around the intersection of the vertical and horizontal lines. This circle should have a roughly equal distance from the edges of the paper on all sides.

Step 4: Draw the Second Set of Arms

From the circle’s top, draw a short, horizontal line extending outward. Repeat this on the bottom of the circle.

Step 5: Draw the Third Set of Arms

Draw another pair of horizontal lines extending through the vertical line, with one line on the left side and the other on the right.

Step 6: Add Detail to the Circle

Inside the circle, draw a smaller circle, following its outer edge. Then, draw four knots or designs in the space between the bigger circle and its interior. The knots or designs may differ depending on your preference.

Step 7: Add Details to the Cross

In this step, draw horizontal stripes dividing the cross into three vertical sections, then sketch diagonal lines in the top left and bottom right portions and, finally, arrow-shaped heads for each arm.

Step 8: Refine Your Drawing

Now, use your eraser to remove any unnecessary lines. Clean up the design, and double-check that all lines are clean and crisp.

Step 9: Shadow Your Drawing

Apply shadows to your drawing using a shading technique of your choice once you've finished the design. A graphite pencil or a blending tool can help you enhance the character of your design.

Step 10: Add Color

Lastly, if desired, add color to your Celtic Cross. Coloring it with a brown, black, and green color pallet can give the cross a rustic, forest-like feel.

To Conclude

Drawing a Celtic Cross might seem very daunting, but it is achievable with a little patience and guidance. Once you have learned, you can experiment with various styles and decorations to create your unique version. Anyone can master the art of drawing a Celtic Cross with some effort and dedication. The more you practice the better, Before you know it, you’ll be a pro, creating Celtic Cross designs like a true artist.

Comparison of 3 Different Methods on How to Draw a Celtic Cross


Celtic crosses have always been fascinating and intriguing, with their intricate weaving patterns and designs. For many people, they hold immense spiritual value. They are a symbol of Irish heritage and culture. Over the years, several artists and painters have tried their hands at drawing these crosses. Each has developed a unique technique and style. In this article, we will compare three different methods on how to draw a Celtic cross.

Method 1 – Traditional Method

The traditional method of drawing a Celtic cross involves using a compass, ruler, and a pen. The first step is to draw a circle with a compass. Then, mark the center of the circle and draw a vertical line across it. Next, draw two smaller circles on either side of the vertical line, touching the larger circle. These represent the arms of the cross. Now, use a ruler to draw four lines connecting the small circles. Finally, add intricate patterns within the arms of the cross and around the circle.


  • The traditional method produces an accurate and symmetrical design.
  • It allows for flexibility in design, as different patterns can be added within the arms of the cross.


  • This method requires a lot of precision and patience.
  • It can be time-consuming and tricky for beginners.

Method 2 – Freehand Method

The freehand method of drawing a Celtic cross involves sketching the design freehand, without any tools or guidelines. It allows for more flexibility and creativity in the design. Begin by sketching a rough outline of the cross, followed by the arms of the cross. Then, add intricate designs and patterns throughout the cross and circle.


  • The freehand method allows for a more creative and unique design.
  • It is less time-consuming than the traditional method.
  • This is a great method for those who are not comfortable using a compass or ruler.


  • This method can be challenging for beginners as it requires a steady hand, and precision in sketching the cross and its intricate patterns.
  • The design may not be symmetrical or precise compared to the traditional method.

Method 3 – Digital Method

The digital method of drawing a Celtic cross involves using digital tools such as a graphics tablet or software programs like Adobe Illustrator. This method allows for precise and accurate designs, including clean lines and perfect symmetry.


  • Digital methods can produce the most precise and accurate designs.
  • Designs can be easily modified and edited digitally.
  • It's an efficient method that can create beautiful artwork within a shorter amount of time.


  • Digital tools and software can be expensive, especially for beginners.
  • This method requires some learning curve with the digital tool or software.


In conclusion, all three methods of drawing a Celtic cross have their pros and cons. The traditional method is perfect for those who value accuracy and precision, while the freehand method allows for personal creativity and flexibility. The digital method is perfect for those who want precise and accurate designs using digital tools. So go ahead, pick a method and start drawing your Celtic cross today!

How to Draw a Celtic Cross: A Step-by-Step Guide


Celtic crosses are intricate designs that have been around for centuries. They are often associated with Irish culture, but in reality, they have roots in many other cultures as well. Drawing a Celtic cross can be a bit of a challenge, but with some patience and practice, anyone can learn how to do it. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to draw a Celtic cross.

Materials Needed

Before you get started, here are the materials you will need:
  • A pencil
  • A ruler
  • A compass
  • Eraser
  • A piece of paper

Step-by-Step Guide

Now, let's start with the step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Draw The Base Line

Using your ruler and pencil, draw a horizontal line across the middle of the page. This will serve as the base line for your Celtic cross.

Step 2: Draw The Vertical Line

Using your ruler, draw a vertical line that goes through the middle of the base line. This line should go from the top of the page to the bottom. This line is what will eventually become the stem of the Celtic cross.

Step 3: Draw The Circle

Using your compass, draw a circle in the center of the cross by placing the center point at the intersection of the two lines. The circle should be big enough to intersect with the arms of the cross.

Step 4: Draw The Cross Arms

Using your ruler and pencil, draw four lines that go from each end of the horizontal line to the edge of the circle, creating the cross arms of the Celtic cross.

Step 5: Add Details To The Cross Arms

At the end of each cross arm, draw a small circle or oval shape. These add detail to the arms of the cross. Then, connect them with other lines to make a knotwork-like appearance.

Step 6: Shade The Knotwork

Now it’s time to give some depth and refinement to the design. Using the eraser, you can remove unnecessary lines that could make the design seem overcrowded. Highlight the series of flowing and interlacing lines with a fine tip pen, ink or an equivalent for clear edges. After that, begin gently shading the design to bring out the areas of light and darkness. Finally, knurl the edge of the circle (smoothness will grant dullness) or add a unique pattern that might be identified with Celtic ornamentation.

Step 7: Add Personal Touches

Feel free to add your own personal touches to the design. This could include adding color, adjusting the size of certain elements, or incorporating other symbols or shapes that are meaningful to you.

Step 8: Review Your Work.

Review your work and check for any errors or inconsistencies. Make the necessary corrections before moving on.

Tips And Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks for creating your beautiful Celtic cross design:
  • Take your time to sketch out the design before drawing the final version.
  • Try different variations to find the design that works best for you.
  • Use reference materials to get inspiration and ideas.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with different colors or shading techniques.
  • Always keep a sharp pencil and eraser handy.


Drawing a Celtic cross takes time and practice, but with the right tools and resources, anyone can create a beautiful and unique design. Whether you are creating a personal design or practicing Celtic art, following these steps will help you achieve your goal. Remember, be patient, and have fun with your creation!

How to Draw a Celtic Cross: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you have ever seen a Celtic cross, you may have appreciated its intricate designs and patterns. The Celtic cross is a symbol that is rich in history and culture. It is a piece of art that combines Christianity and the traditional Celtic art style. In this article, we will show you how to draw a Celtic cross and dive deeper into the meaning behind this beautiful symbol.

Before we start, let's take a look at what you will need to draw a Celtic cross:

  • Blank paper
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Eraser

Now that you have all your materials ready, let's get started!

Step 1: Draw the Base of the Cross

The base of the cross should be a vertical line that is slightly longer than the width of the horizontal line. Use a ruler to draw a straight line down the center of the paper. This line will be the foundation of the cross.

Step 2: Add the Horizontal Line

Next, draw a horizontal line that connects the vertical line near the top. This line should be about the same width as your vertical line. Make sure the lines intersect in the center.

Step 3: Create the Halo

At the top of the vertical line, draw a circle with a diameter of about one-third of the length of the vertical line. This circle is called a halo or nimbus, which is common in Christian art.

Step 4: Draw the First Circle

Starting at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines, draw a second smaller circle within the halo. This circle should have a diameter of about half of the halo's diameter.

Step 5: Draw the Second Circle

Next, draw another circle, which should be smaller than the first one, and its center should be at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines. The diameter of this circle should be slightly larger than the diameter of the halo.

Step 6: Add the Arms of the Cross

Now it's time to add the arms of the cross. Draw four lines that extend out from the center intersection, making sure each line is equal in length. The lines should be angled upwards and should start at the bottom of the second circle.

Step 7: Draw the Center Knot

The center knot is the most intricate part of the Celtic cross. Start by drawing an interlocking diamond shape that fits within the central circle. Next, add four curvy lines that resemble a teardrop shape, two on each side of the diamond. These lines will form the arms and legs of the knot.

Step 8: Create the Outer Border

The outer border is what makes the Celtic cross so unique. Starting on the inside of one of the arms of the cross, draw a series of triangles that connect to the outside of the circle. Continue adding triangles all the way around the first circle. Make sure to leave enough space between the triangles so that you can easily draw the knotwork later.

Step 9: Draw the Knotwork

The knotwork should be contained within the triangle shapes of the outer border. Draw a series of interconnected lines that form an intricate pattern, weaving in and out of the triangles. The knotwork can be as simple or complex as you like, with different patterns and designs based on your preference.

Step 10: Final Touches

Erase any unwanted lines that may still be visible. Darken the remaining lines of your cross to make it stand out. Congratulations! You have successfully drawn a Celtic cross!

Now that you have learned how to draw a Celtic cross, take some time to appreciate the symbolism behind it. The circle surrounding the cross represents eternal life, while the intersection of the two lines represents the connection between heaven and earth. The intricate knotwork symbolizes the interconnectedness of all things and can also represent the infinite nature of God's love.

We hope you enjoyed this step-by-step guide on how to draw a Celtic cross. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep drawing and exploring the art of Celtic design!

Happy drawing!

People Also Ask: How To Draw Celtic Cross

What is a Celtic cross?

A Celtic cross is a symbol that combines a cross with a circle or ring that represents the sun or eternity. It is a popular and enduring symbol of Irish and Celtic culture, often carved into monuments, gravestones, or used in art and jewelry.

What materials do I need to draw a Celtic cross?

To draw a Celtic cross, you will need paper, a pencil, an eraser, a ruler or straight edge, and a compass or circle template if you want to draw a perfect circle for the ring.

What are the steps for drawing a Celtic cross?

Here are some basic steps to follow when drawing a Celtic cross:

  1. Start by drawing the vertical and horizontal lines of the cross using a ruler or straight edge. You'll want to make sure that the lines intersect each other precisely in the center.
  2. Next, draw the circular shape that goes around the intersection point of the cross lines. This circle is typically larger than the width of the cross arms.
  3. To create the knots or braided pattern within the cross, first draw diagonal lines across each section of the cross. Then, add curved or spiral lines to create the intricate knotwork.
  4. Erase any unnecessary lines or guidelines, and shade in the areas of the cross that should be darker or have depth.
  5. Finally, add any additional flourishes or decoration that you want, such as knotwork designs around the edges or in the center.

Are there any tips for drawing a Celtic cross?

Yes, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Practice sketching your design lightly in pencil first to test out different arrangements and patterns.
  • Use a gentle touch when drawing the knotwork to prevent smudging or tearing the paper.
  • Consider using different line weights or shading techniques to create contrast and texture.
  • Study examples of Celtic crosses in art and history to get inspiration and ideas for your own design.

With these basic guidelines and tips, you can learn how to draw a Celtic cross that is beautiful and meaningful. Whether for personal or artistic expression, the Celtic cross symbol holds a special place in many people's hearts and cultures.

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